Advocating for gender equity and equality since 2016.

We fight daily to eradicate systemic injustice within the Justice Department and beyond.


Better government starts with embracing a supportive, safe, and equitable workforce.

Our policy campaigns, shaped by our 1,700-employee membership, have achieved major reforms that have benefited workers across DOJ and the federal government. Our top issues include:

Pay Equity.

Paid family leave.

Abortion access.

Workplace flexibility.

Family and caregiver support.

Pregnancy and nursing accommodations.

Whatever the issue, we fight to make the federal government a better place to work—for everyone.

Leading organizational change from within.

We fight for systemic change across administrations.

As the nation’s largest employer, we urge the federal government to be a model employer when it comes to gender equity and equality, regardless of who’s running the show.

Stay informed.

Our blog covers timely news about important issues affecting DOJ and the federal workforce.


Make waves. Get involved with DOJ GEN today.

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Make your voice heard by volunteering for one of our projects or starting one of your own!